Sunday, November 7, 2010

We be coopin'

Coopin' is our new word. 

Coopin' = doing something, but doing it cool.  Real cool.  *snaps*

Today our adventure included J-Lest.  We went to Your Kitchen (click on my booger to read food review).  Good times indeedy.  Fun coopin' times on 10th ave.

(I am in love with my Hipstamatic camera.  Who needs to get a real one when you got the iPhone4.  Chee-hooo!)


"take a picture of me in front of this door"





stevie is a pigeon

doesn't understand the stevie & paige language

peace out

wishing you hearts, glitter, and kimchee foreverrrrrrrr,


Hoshi x 1,000,000

Ok, I am a firm fan of the iPhone (although I don't have the iPhone 4 yet - sadface).  But this alone could convert me over to the black side...the BlackBerry side, that is :P  I found this photo of an upgraded  BB with PINK HOUSING and RAINBOW KEYPAD LIGHTING!!!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kid Stuff

I swear I have SO MANY of these random toys!  And not even just at my house...they're at my office too!  But like Lady Gaga said, "This is not a persona...I dress like this all the time,"  kawaii is not a persona, just meant to be kept in the confines of your home.  Rather, it is a lifestyle that you must upkeep 24/ Paige and I so aptly live haha :P

Anyways, despite the heaps of toys that I already have, that wouldn't stop me from picking up this ultra kawaii Hello Kitty x Toki Doki one that I came across online!  It's decorated not only with cute donuts but also with real bling!!!  Kawaii x 2!!!

PS: My bday is coming up next month ;)

hearts, glitter, kimchee, & donuts,

Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Festivities

Let the holiday season begin with Halloween!  Check out Paige and my spooktacular Halloween adventures this weekend :)

My HomePaige
hearts, glitter, kimchee, & pumpkins,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kimchee hot dog

have you ever had one before?

I have never had one like this... with the kimchee INSIDE!  Where on Oahu can I find such a magical thing?!

I know you can get one at Hanks haute dogs, but where else can I get my fix?  We should try all of the kimchee hot dogs around the island!

Wishing you HG&KC always,


Friday, October 22, 2010

Hello Kitty x Smart Cars

What better impetus to "go green" than the new Hello Kitty vinyl "wraps" for your smart car??
I think the pink wrap is the cutest!
 In celebration of Sanrio’s 50th Anniversary, Smart Cars and Hello Kitty have teamed up to bring us, in my opinion, the most genius marketing tactic the green movement has ever witnessed!

You put a Hello Kitty face on anything, and there will definitely be a market for it!

Yes, even deadly weapons :P
There are three different full-body designs offered, each with a selection of color schemes, in addition to a series of partial wrap designs and colors.   In total, there are 22 full and partial wrap design and color combinations to choose from.  Pricing starts at $1,700 for full wraps and $550 for partial wraps.  Hoshiiiiii!!!

 PS: In my internet hunt, I came across other Hello Kitty-ed out cars...WHERE do they sell these adorable heart-shaped steering wheels??

go green (and pink!),

Kitty Love

My Cute Share of the Day - It's my kitty-chan!

His name is PC - which stands for Prince Charming!  We got him a year ago (with his brotha from another motha, PeeWee) after their owner and my neighbor decided to move back to the mainland.  Yeah, she's the weirdo that named him Prince Charming :P  If he was originally my cat, I would've named him Makoto or something...a strong Japanese name haha.  Anyways, here he is happily drinking out of this mint chip ice cream bowl.  Two cute things in one photo??  Crazyness ;)

PS: I got that bowl, along with three other "flavors" at....SAVERS!!!  Who would've thought Savers had such cute items??  Check out the whole set on my Hearts+Crafts blog :)

hearts, glitter, & ice cream cones,

Thursday, October 21, 2010


So yesterday, my friend Jesse texted me these seriously cute picchas of his doggie Yuki...

Gays and their dogs, I tell you!  She's got more designer clothes and accessories than I do!  And now she's rocking these trendy soft curls??  Gurrrlll.....!! ;)

hearts, glitter, kimchee, & CURLS,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Did you know~


Good thing I found this out before I had a baby.  :P  This will be the first baby book I will buy! 

wishing you HG&Kimchee (only if you are not a baby),


3 in 1 = triple kawaii'ness

My new fabulous shoes-

The Jelly Jangle

My favorite purchase this month!!!!  I am in love with my new shoes from Poetic Licence (London based shoe company that was born in 2005).  I will be wearing this A LOT... especially since you can wear these jangles three different ways (with snap-on charms).  omG-enius!!!!

My boyfriend said it looked like I designed the shoe.  With leopard-print on the bottom of the shoe, the flower design on the front, and the three cutest charms~ I think he's right.  They must have stole my idea while I was sleeping!

Usually tha-tha-thong-tha-thong-thong-thongs fit me funny because i have such anorexic feet... but these fit  perfectly!  And are soooo comffffyyyyyy.

I will rave about these for months to come.  I am even debating if I should buy my 2nd pair because what if they discontinue these shoes soon?  *GASP*

wishing you HG&KC always,

The Adventures of Paige & Stevie - Lewers Street, Waikiki

After weeks of not seeing each other, Paige and I were finally reunited last Sunday to do what we do best - eat, shop, & talk!

For lunch we had planned to checkout Cappuccino's at the Waikiki Joy Hotel, but it turns out the restaurant changed its name to Gen Restaurant and Bar.  I would rate it a 4 stars out of 5 - the decor is nothing fancy, but 1) we didn't have to wait for a table and 2) more importantly, the food was nom!  We both ordered the ponzu hamburger steak teishoku - yes, great minds think alike ;)

from my crappy iPhone 3GS camera :P

Although our tummies were quite full, we managed to shuffle next door to a couple of the most *kawaii* shops on the island - Pineapple County and Genius Outfitters, where a majority of the clothes and accessories in stock are brought in from Japan.  Besides the cute (and pink!) floral parachute shorts that Paige picked up, the find of the day had to have been the FISHBURGER MIRROR KEYCHAIN from Pineapple County!  Yes, my friends, not just your run of the mill burger keychain, but a fishburger keychain...that's actually a mirror!  Supah kawaii and perfect for the cutie/foodie in each of us <3
