Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kid Stuff

I swear I have SO MANY of these random toys!  And not even just at my house...they're at my office too!  But like Lady Gaga said, "This is not a persona...I dress like this all the time,"  kawaii is not a persona, just meant to be kept in the confines of your home.  Rather, it is a lifestyle that you must upkeep 24/ Paige and I so aptly live haha :P

Anyways, despite the heaps of toys that I already have, that wouldn't stop me from picking up this ultra kawaii Hello Kitty x Toki Doki one that I came across online!  It's decorated not only with cute donuts but also with real bling!!!  Kawaii x 2!!!

PS: My bday is coming up next month ;)

hearts, glitter, kimchee, & donuts,

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